Major Welch Loop Trail Hike – Bear Mountain


The Major Welch Loop Trail is a moderate day hike in Bear Mountain – Harriman State Parks, Hudson Valley, NY

All Trails link to Major Welch loop trail hike

Basic Information

Date of hike: January 4, 2020

Difficulty level: moderate

Distance: 3.8 miles round trip

Approximate hiking time: 3 hours

Elevation gain: 1,154 feet

Location: Harriman-Bear Mountain State Parks, Hudson Valley, NY

Parking: parking lot for a fee charged during summer season

Our rating: 4+ stars – beautiful views, good workout

Where Did Major Welch Trail Loop Hike Get Its Name?

The Bear Mountain Major Welch Loop Trail hike was named after an American engineer and environmentalist, Major William Addams Welch.  Major Welch did major work on the design and construction of many parks’ infrastructures between 1912 and 1940.

Our Impressions

This beautiful hike was completely unplanned.  As amateur hikers, we had no idea that winter hiking was a “thing” and that it is mesmerizing.  The first part of the day was rainy and dreary so we went out for a drive to get out of the house. 

While driving around Bear Mountain we noticed a cute Bear Mountain Inn.  Since the drizzle started to dissipate, we decided to go investigate and stumbled upon the Major Welch trail.  This trail is part of the Appalachian Trail that runs from Georgia to Canada.

Despite the cloudy weather conditions and poor visibility, it was beautiful and refreshing.  We named this hike the “New Year Mount Olympus” hike as we were hiking above the clouds. Never underestimate the beauty of nature on a gloomy day.


  • Anna

    Anna was born in the former Soviet Union, the part that is now Ukraine. She came to the US as a refugee at the age of 8. She is an outdoor, fitness, health, and environment lover who found a way to express her passions through hiking. She enjoys exploring new places, seeking out adventures, and sharing her experiences with friends and family. Anna is also on a mission to help others feel young and healthy. She is a health and wellness coach that specializes in improving digestive health and IBS symptoms. Please visit her business page

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